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, 1977, p. 188, which Pearce severely assigns medical Maslows and belongingness needs and self confidence needs respectively, as shown in figure 2 Pearce, P. L. , 1982. Instead of two push factors, Crompton 1979 identifies seven push and two pull motives for traveling. The pull motives being novelty and education, doctor push or socio mental reasons being escape from a perceived mundane environment; exploration and analysis of self; rest; status; regression; enhancement of kinship relationships; and facilitation of social interplay Crompton J. HIPAA explicitly states that neither authorization by next of kin, nor a court order, is needed medical unlock private health tips PHI scientific doctor County Medical Examiner in line of his or her duties . Researching a decedents past clinical historical past is doctor first step in carrying out a post mortem investigation. Not only deaths from obvious usual causes, but also homicide, suicide, and twist of fate investigations in addition. It is very important that any medical examiner office obtain doctor most accurate medical historical past that you can imagine. Once doctor decedents PHI is in doctor scientific examiners case file, it too becomes protected by HIPAA laws, and is used just for doctor functions of doctor investigation. Created even before doctor HIPAA laws, TCA 38 7 117 allows doctor clinical examiner office medical subpoena data through doctor appropriate district attorney.